“Eventually, even the most down to earth youngsters are drawn into Linda’s fairy tale world, where grandfather clocks stand on their heads, and magic horses transport you beyond the stars.”
Disney Channel Magazine

Hello everyone and welcome to a world of children’s music where “Imagination Is the Key!” Creating songs that enrich the lives of young children and their families is an honor and delight. I hope you will enjoy exploring songs, videos and my upcoming new projects. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions. I’d love to hear from you.
Happy Singing!

Linda Arnold has a special gift for unlocking our hearts, and inviting us to celebrate the joyous wonder and innocence of childhood. With her beautiful clear voice and playful spirit, she is often described as the “Mary Poppins of Children’s Music”.

“Linda’s pure soprano and meticulous professionalism make her a favorite with children and parents alike!”
LA Times